We're back with all new trivia questions for the new year on January 2nd, 2023. (Technically we played one game of Season 6 already on Dec 12.)
A team's season score is the sum of the team's 12 best finishes during the season. If a team hasn't yet played 12 games, it is just the sum of all the games played thus far. Play more than 12 times and a team's lowest scores are ignored. Team names: You are welcome to stick with the same name or change your team name from week to week. Each team has a unique ID that I use to track you independent of your team name - so I just need to know that you were here previously under a different name. Therefore, if you want your results to connect to your previous gameplay, you must tell me a previous name you used. Just write it on the top of your Round 1 answer sheet. The Season 5 Championship was held on Monday, December 5.
In the end, the top 3 finishers were:
Click here to see overall statistics for Season 5. Congratulations to all our participants and thanks for playing this season. All season stats will reset next week, Dec 12, with the start of Season 6 - so come on out and start building those wins!
After polling the top teams for their favored dates, Monday, December 5 was the clear winner for the Season 5 Championship game.
Other teams are free to play along but scoring will prioritize the top 8 teams. NEW - "Risk-free doubles" Last season championship we tried "mulligans", which were basically a free pass. Similar but different this time is an allocation of "risk-free" doubling. Each team will be allocated a certain number of free doubles based on their ranking going into the championship game. This means that if you "double down" on an answer and are wrong, you will not lose the 2 pts that you normally would have. These will be automatically applied until your team's allotment is depleted. The number is determined based each team's season score. The score of the 8th place team is subtracted from each team's score. Then a scale factor is determined such that the top team gets 6 bonus (i.e. 1/2 of a perfect season score of 12). The other teams' scores (8th subtracted) are multiplied by that same scale factor and rounded to the nearest whole number - because fractional amounts wouldn't make any sense! This results in a distribution between 6 and 0, with allocation per relative ranking of teams. On Monday, we held our Season 4 Championship Game.
In the end, the top 3 finishers were:
See full results for the championship game here. Congratulations to all our participants and thanks for playing this season. Don't forget that all stats reset next week with the start of Season 5 - so come on out and start building those wins!
Other teams can play along but scoring will prioritize the top 8 teams.
NEW - Mulligans Maybe mulligan is not the right word, because these are less a 're-do' and more a "we're really not sure but want to make sure we get a point". Mulligan sounds way more fun than 'free pass'. Each team will be granted a certain number of 'mulligans' that they can use for answers they do not know - perfect for answers where you have absolutely no idea. These cannot be doubled, but will get you a guaranteed point on normal answers where you'd otherwise be guessing or leaving a blank. The number of mulligans is determined based each team's season score. The score of the 8th place team is subtracted from all teams. Then a scale factor is determined such that the top team gets 6 points (1/2 of a perfect season score of 12). The other teams' scores (8th subtracted) are multiplied by that same scale factor and rounded to the nearest whole number. This results in a distribution between 6 and 0, with allocation per relative ranking of teams.
This formula seemed to result in a reasonable balance between granting a slight advantage to the top performing teams without giving away too many free points that it makes the end result a given (the max number of 5 being determined so the top team could have one per round) This is the first time we're trying this; if it sways the game too much, we'll re-evaluate for next season. But we're going to try it.
Seating We would prefer all teams competing in the championship to sit in a visible area - either at the bar itself or on the main floor area of the bar. For this week only, any of the top teams can have a table reserved for them. If you would like a table reserved for your team, please message me on Instagram or send me an email.
Mark your calendars! The Season 4 Championship is scheduled for Monday, May 9.
The eight teams with the highest season score will be eligible to win the cash prizes. Others will be allowed to play along but they are ineligible for winning the Championship prize(s). Your season score is the sum of your team's 12 best finishes during the season. If you haven't yet played 12 games, it is just the sum of all your games played. Play more than 12 times and your lowest scores are thrown out! You can see the current Season 4 standings here. Results are posted weekly after each game and the Season and All-Time stats are updated simultaneously. Trivia is canceled for Monday, January 10th. We will return next week Monday, 1/17.
Season 4 began on Monday, November 22, so as of this writing, we have already had four weeks of games that count toward the Season 4 standings.
A team's season score is the sum of the team's 12 best finishes during the season. If a team hasn't yet played 12 games, it is just the sum of all the games played thus far. Play more than 12 times and a team's lowest scores are ignored. On Monday, we held our Season 3 Championship Game.
The top 8 teams from the season play that were eligible and were present:
In the end, the top 3 finishers were:
Congratulations to all our participants and thanks for playing. All stats reset next week with the start of Season 4 - so come on out and start building those wins! Mark your calendars! The Season 3 Championship is scheduled for Monday, November 15.
The eight teams with the highest season score will be eligible to win the cash prizes. Others will be allowed to play along but they are ineligible for winning the Championship prize(s). Your season score is the sum of your team's 12 best finishes during the season. If you haven't yet played 12 games, it is just the sum of all your games played. Play more than 12 times and your lowest scores are thrown out! You can see the current Season 3 standings here. Results are posted weekly after each game and the Season and All-Time stats are updated simultaneously. |
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